Register for Fun
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LASC is a competitive pick-up game club. We play 3 days a week year-round at designated fields in Louisville and Southern Indiana. We typically have 2 games running simultaneously with 7v7. Sometimes we will play a full-field game with goalkeepers. It depends on how many people show up. One game is for the over 40 players and another game is for the over 50 players, but you can play with either side as needed.
These are fun games, and while they are competitive, we all want to be able to walk the next day. There are no hard tackles, no slide tackles, and generally speaking there are no altercations of any kind. Since we play together several days per week, many of us have become friends. So the competitive side of the game is in good nature, and nobody wants to be a jerk.
Oh, and the exercise is fantastic. We play for 2 hours at a time and you can easily average 6 miles of running, or you can play defensively and be a little less mobile. The choice is yours.
If you would like to join our club, please fill out the form below. Women must be over 30 years old and men must be over 40 years old. If you are turning the appropriate age within the current calendar year then you are eligible to sign up.
Please note that if your membership request is rejected for any reason, your initial payment will be refunded. Otherwise, your membership dues are non-refundable.